Our students worked really hard studying weather, its properties and components, and the many tools used to measure all sorts of weather related things. They even got a chance to go on a weather related field trip and "make" some weather of their own!
At the end of our unit, we watched and discussed a variety of national weather forecasts. Our students discussed format of presentation, details included in forecasts, and different symbols used to represent a variety of weather. As a class, the students created a chart demonstrating what they felt were the most important elements in a weather forecast. This soon became our rubric!
Then, we discussed the many different symbols we saw in the forecasts we had observed, what they represented, and how we would use them to create our own weather maps. These were all compiled in a guide students would use to create their weather forecasts.
All of their hard work paid off! Our students were able to create their very own national weather forecasts and write a script to go along with their presentations. Students were SO excited to present their weather forecasts--especially because they were being recorded just like real meteorologists!